Tag Archives: hot dogs

Montreal and Manhattan: Hot Dogs Side-by-Side

As you know if you read this blog, I’m a hot dog fanatic. I could live on that wonderful (almost) food. So, I was psyched to meet Montreal food insider Katerine Rollet for dogs in both Manhattan and Montreal. I’ll be writing more about this for Gadling, but here’s a look at the video she put together.

If you’re planning a trip up to Montreal (which I highly recommend), follow Katerine on Twitter.

I am the David Hasselhoff of Canada

I love Montreal. I’ve had a fantastic time every time I’ve gone. And, I’m a big fan of Canada. I enjoyed Toronto, Quebec, other parts Ontario and, of course, Montreal. Winnipeg sucked, but that’s life.

Even more than I love Canada, though, Canadians love me. I don’t know what it is, but Canadians have always taken to me, especially down here in the United States. I won’t name names, but there are plenty. Since discovering this, I thought about hunting for proof of my position, but hunting wasn’t necessary. I’ve gotten a lot of play in the Canadian press, including coverage in the Toronto Sun and Globe and Mail.

The video above will be featured in articles on Katerine Rollet’s blog (she’s Tourisme Montreal‘s food insider — follow her on Twitter), and I’ll be doing something for Gadling (I have a video of my own that I can use, too; I just need to finish start editing it).

Playing with YouTube

I’ve been away for a while. That’s the curse of finding paid work: not as much time to spend on the fun stuff. But, I have been able to squeeze in a bit of time to experiment with video. I’m trying to spice up my posts for Gadling and Luxist with footage that I’m shooting with a Flip HD. So far, my work is nothing short of amateurish, but I’m hoping it at least brings a bit more life to the stories I’m pulling together.

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Hot dogs in Madrid

dsc04319Okay, if you read my work, you know that I love hot dogs and that I seek them out when I’m in a foreign country. Well, after a day in Marrakech, it doesn’t look good for the hunt, but I can tell you about the dog I had in Madrid on Sunday. It was decent, rating behind Stockholm and Reykjavik, but still better than most outer borough street vendors.

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Gray’s Papaya, Part II

dsc03722The price increase at Gray’s Papaya does bug the shit out of me, even though it doesn’t price me out of the market. C’mon, $1.50 per hot dog is not a big deal. Nothing at all. But, it irritates me that they didn’t announce the price increase, as they have in the past.

I would have had my story up earlier, but a pretty big magazine expressed some interest and then bailed. So, after the jump, you’ll get the backstory, a cool hot dog price chart and links to other interesting articles on the price increase.

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Hot Dogs Make Financial Crisis Real

dsc02032When I moved to Manhattan in 2004, hot dogs were only $0.85 each at Gray’s Papaya. A year later, the price jumped to $1.25. One could hardly blame the poor guys. They hadn’t increased their prices in a while, and New York’s an expensive place. They even posted an apology on the wall. In September, the price went up again, this time with no apology and no warning.

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